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Enshrouded Dedicated Multiplayer Gameserver


HaruHost provides an easy way to manage your own hosted Enshrouded servers when running on Windows Desktop.

Game Server Management

First learn the basics of how to manage the lifecycle of your game server if you haven’t so

Game Server Creation

Game Server Installation

Game Server Actions

Router Port Forwarding

Firewall Port Unblocking


Know what happens with your trough logs that HaruHost provides for each game server.

Game Server Logs

Discord Hooks

HaruHost lets you easily integrate Discord hooks for your Enshrouded game Server. Let others know when the server starts, is online, updates, restarts and more!

Discord Hooks Menu

The result will look similar to this

Discord Hooks

File Config

Edit raw configuration files here

File Config UI

Download HaruHost

File Config UI

To get started you will need to download the HaruHost Client for Windows